Fruitland Township

Zoning Administration

Fruitland Township is a zoned community. Before proceeding with any building or home improvement project, property owners are advised that they need to check with Fruitland Township to see that they are in compliance with zoning ordinances and the building code. The process may start with the filing of a zoning compliance application.

The Zoning Administrator for Fruitland Township is Mr. Val Jensen II.  He is at the Township Hall on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.  Sally Dion, Zoning Coordinator, is available Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

While most zoning compliance applications are routinely approved, you are advised to start the approval process well before you plan to start to avoid any disappointment.

Zoning Administration

Val Jensen II
Contact the Township Hall
(231) 766-3208

Zoning Coordinator

Sally Dion
Contact the Township Hall
(231) 766-3208

Zoning Map

Zoning Ordinances