Fruitland Township

Clerk / Elections


  • If you have signed up for the Permanent BALLOT list (new in 2023) you should have received your ballot for the November 5, 2024 in the mail by now. If you are expecting to receive a ballot and have not please contact the office. 
  • If you are on the Absentee Voter Application list applications have been mailed. You will have the option to choose which Ballot you are requesting as well as the options to vote absentee in all elections this year and the option to be added to the Permanent Ballot list.
  • The General Election will be held on November 5, 2024. Voters will have the choice to vote early, absentee, or in person for this election.
  • You can find more information and request absentee ballots at:
  • If you are a Military or Overseas voter please reach out to the Clerk for your FPCA for 2024.
  • The Public Accuracy Test will be held on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 10:00 am at Fruitland Township Hall. The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to determine that the program and the computer being used to tabulate the results of the election, counts the votes in the manner prescribed by the law.
  •  The Fruitland Township Hall will be open Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 8am – 4pm for election purposes such as voter registration and issuing absentee ballots only.



Election Information

2024 Elections:

 February 27, 2024 – Presidential Primary

AUGUST 6, 2024 – Primary Election

November 5, 2024 – General Election


Election Information:

Election Results

The results of the most recent election can be found at Muskegon County  – Election Results.  This website is being updated on a continuous basis on Election evening and is the quickest way to learn the results of a Local Election.

Voter Information

Registered voters may visit Michigan Voter Information Center to verify their voter registration status, their polling location, view a sample ballot for the upcoming Election and check to see the status of the absentee ballot. 

Absentee Voting

A registered voter is now eligible to obtain an absentee ballot for an upcoming election with no reason needed. Starting in 2023 voters can request to be added to the Permanent Ballot List and will receive a ballot for each election automatically. Previous to 2023, voters could be added to the Absentee Voter Application list and anyone still on that list will receive an application prior to each election to decide if they would like a ballot sent. If you would like an absentee ballot or wish to be placed on the permanent absentee list, please contact the Clerk’s office. 

Precinct Maps

Township of Fruitland – Precincts Map (1&2)

Sample Ballots

Muskegon County may have all sample ballots for Muskegon County on their website.  

Sample Ballots

Election Inspectors

Election workers, also known as poll workers, precinct inspectors and election inspectors, are people who are paid to assist voters and count ballots on Election Day.

To be an election worker, you must be a registered voter of the state, or 16-17 years old and a resident of Michigan. An election worker cannot be be a challenger, candidate, member of a candidate’s immediate family, or a member of the local board of canvassers. Anyone convicted of a felony or an election crime may not serve. In order to become an election inspector you will need to attend training(s), submit a completed election inspector application to your local clerk, and be appointed by the local city/township board.

Fruitland Township is always looking for more election inspectors. If you are interested in applying or would like more information you can fill out this Election Inspector Application and email it to the Clerk or drop it off during normal township hall hours. 

Fruitland Township Clerk

Alexa Steffes
Phone: (231) 766-3208
Fax: (231) 766-3027

Deputy Clerk

Breann Fagan